In the everyday hustle and bustle,
And in the rush and the push,
I manage to get into a tussle,
My bag in hand with a Whoosh.
I stand with an intense gaze,
At one of the direction’s end.
In the shimmering morning rays,
My journey is a lonely friend.
Finger tapping on my thigh,
I wait in anticipation for it to arrive
My music beats, take me high.
That loud honk gets me Horrified.
The door stops
In front of my feet.
A crowd of disgruntled Mumbaikars
I am forced to Greet.
Banged and tossed
Ruffled inside,
My bearings lost,
I nearly cried.
My fast local runs
A few minutes late,
Amidst daughter & sons
In humidity, I’m forced to wait.
Fortunately, I get to stand at the door,
And the breeze caresses my face,
A simple thing, yet I crave for more.
Behold, I finally reach my place.
The crowd again walks me out of the train,
A smile on my face, as I finally reach
This entire ride wasn’t such a big pain
A train ride in Mumbai has a lot to teach.
- A Local Train Rhyme - October 10, 2019