Mumbai Sept 15: You have heard of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon, but as it turns out, it has also landed in the Ganpati pandals of Mumbai. One of the very famous pandals of Mumbai, known as the Khetwadi cha Raja, has chosen Chandrayaan-3 as its theme for this year’s Ganpati Utsav.
On September 19, 2023, the majestic 35-foot Ganesha idol, known as Khetwadi cha Raja, will be welcomed in Khambata Lane, Khetwadi, Mumbai, near Mahavir Darshan. Organized by the Sarvajanik Shree Ganeshotsav Mandal, this year, they have added a new twist to the theme by featuring Chandrayaan-3, showing gratitude for India’s achievements and their pride in the country’s success, as stated by Santosh Narkar, the Mandal’s president.
Kamlesh Rajapuri, the decorator of the pandal, shared their exciting plans. They will narrate Chandrayaan-3’s landing story through decorations featuring ISRO, the Lunar Rover, the moon, and all the planets of our solar system. The decorations will be in 3D with fluorescent theme colours, promising an exciting visual experience.
Nearly 100 volunteers have been working tirelessly for their 54th Ganesh Utsav. This year, they’ve also organized a blood donation camp and a feast for orphaned and underprivileged children, demonstrating their commitment to community welfare.
The beautiful Ganesh idol, made of POP, was crafted with great dedication by Murtikar Kunal Patil.
The pandal anticipates a large crowd this year. You can visit the pandal on September 19, 2023, and the days leading up to the festival to seek Lord Ganesha’s blessings and witness this creative theme.
Khetwadi Lane has a lot going on during this festive season. The 11th lane boasts the longest 45-foot Ganesha idol with an Indra avatar theme. In the 10th lane, Om Tandav’s pandal features a royal theme, and in the 7th lane, Khetwadi cha Moraya presents a jungle-themed spectacle.
This year’s Ganpati Utsav promises to be a celebration of art, culture, and India’s space achievements, all under the benevolent gaze of Lord Ganesha.
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