Mental health: Benaisha Kharas Dongre sheds light on the subject

Mental health: Benaisha Kharas Dongre sheds light on the subject

India is the 6th most depressed country in the world!! Did you just blink twice? Or does that not surprise you? With every passing day, the number of suicides doubles. What once used to be a subject much avoided and not spoken of, is now the biggest concern of the generation – Mental health.

Benaisha Kharas Dongre, a Tedx speaker and a mental health consultant shares her story. She lets us in on what cultivated her interest in the subject and goes further to share her go-to mechanisms for coping with those “dull” days. Even the best of us could be going through a crisis, as minor or major as it may seem. If you are one of these, help is just around the corner and you…Are not alone.

Krystelle Dsouza

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